VN - Ren'Py - Somewhere I Belong [Ep.2] [Mr Baker]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved the introduction to characters so far.
    Very high quality renders, even the backrounds look good, mind you some lil bugs.
    Girls are super hot, MC is a hunk. And they are all very likable.
    Even the backround characters have so much depth.
    Dialogue is flat sometimes but the story makes up for it.

    My only critisims would be; MC acting oblivious to his surroundings, like a classic horror movie victim. Its not so blatantly obvious so far but i can see the signs in there. I hope you can make the MC as smart as possible where all that matters is survival. So i don't feel like a retard reading his lines in my head.
    And not only sex scenes but in some regular dialogue scenes aswell, camera angles are a bit weird, Like you are saying you can see she is biting her lips but all i can see his behind, or you are showing me his lips. She is saying she can feel his dick on her ass, all im looking at is his ass. Kinda needs work on that department.

    Other than that i love everything about this game so far.
    This will take place in my top 10, no contest. You can also have my wallet!
    On the side note im very excited about what you are plannig for the pregnancy content. I hope its not some bullshit like its nearing the end of the game, even worse; a fucking slide show or a black screen with text saying "yea you made some bébés" :ROFLMAO: I fucking hate that shit man.
    Entire game you struggle, then you finally get to the good part and you get slapped in the face with "The End", its so fucking lame.
    Lame as movies fading to black and doing "next day" when the main characters finally get together and start kissing eachother.

    I reaaaally hope, this is not gonna be like that and we will get a long ass ending where i finally get to be a father( not like that common whore calling you daddy) and teach my children how to survive in this post apocalyptic world. IF this game can pull this off its gonna be dream come true.

    Over all this is gonna be a top tier VN, one of the best on the market i feel like.
    Definitely worth your time,money and your first born.
    Fire it up no questions asked!

    And good luck dev, you are doing gods work :love:
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    There is some high quality here.
    Renders are above average and the models are original, no Daz stock characters here. Also the girls are hot and varied, different body proportions and such.
    Storywise is still early but the set up is dystopian setting with zombies, quarentine zones and so on. If you like those themes you will like the game story.
    The only downside are some technical issues that need some polishing. Keeping in mind how devs get better with practice this game can turn into one of the best vns out there.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Gonna be real. This exceeded my expectations by a lot. When I completed the update, I wanted more. When I woke up today, I wanted more. Games barely ever do that to me.

    Good stuff
    1) Protag is fun to play as.
    2) Girls are attractive visually & personality-wise. Their facial expressions make the game more immersive.
    3) Guys look & act distinct. They aren't the usual bland clones we see in a lot of these adult games.
    4) Zombies are a legit threat in this story. They ain't useless Walking Dead zombies.
    5) Story is interesting & believable. There aren't any plot holes or dumb memey shit.

    Meh stuff
    1) First sex scenes menus are a bit annoying. It's been improved in later sex scenes, so it isn't much of an issue.

    Bad stuff
    1) Nothing yet.
  4. 5.00 star(s)



    An excellent first episode for this post-apocalyptic game.
    The story has obviously just began but it's already quite interesting, renders are top notch and the sex scenes are animated.
    The characters are very nice, we don't know all the LIs yet but there is some variety in personality and body shape.
    The game also features music and sounds during certain scenes.
    Well worth a try if you're interested in the genre and even if you're not it may prove a cool experience.

    Congratulations to the Dev for the great debut and good luck for the future. Highly recommended.
  5. 2.00 star(s)



    Impressive post-apocalyptic world.

    Action-packed scenario.

    Good render quality.


    Animations are revolting. When a human being breathes, it's not like inflating and deflating a sack. So in this game breathing people look like aliens, trying to imitate human body but not knowing human anatomy. And the sound is like some deathbed wheezing.

    The creator of this game lacks any sense of proportion or artistic taste. If there's blinking, then it's too much blinking, so it becomes annoying in no time. There are empty black screens or the same animation screens repeated again and again between phrases, so you have to click through a lot, or just turn on skipping through unread text, which I did. So forget about immersion.

    Women are nauseating. At least the first one, Anais is suffering from those typical boobs and ass tumors, supposedly to attract immature boys. Together with all the other aesthetic aspects it almost made me quit the game and delete it for good.

    The story is idiotic. In particular, the characters act like idiots. When the MC's friends have died, I wondered how they all were able to survive for the previous two years. In reality they would die in the first few days.

    Well, if the creator doesn't change their approach, I think this game will remain a low quality mess, never becoming anything decent.

  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Pros: Absolutely blown away by gorgeous renders (Anais is definitely top 5 gorgeous LIs for me now in terms of beauty), writing is decent, around 20min for first chapter which is not too bad considering the beauty of work, Plot definitely has ALOT going for it since it looks like we might be able to become badass down the like working for gangs and such.

    Cons: sometimes the bgm didn't match the scene's seriousness, needs a more natural relationship building pace.

    Verdict: You should absolutely play it! It's gorgeous and alot of effort went into to. Mob bosses look badass and hope MC gets to become one too..

    (Insert Palpatine Voice) We will watch your career with great interest...
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    S tier game

    Right now it has very little content but it is very high quality. It has enormous potential to be one of the best AVNs. I cannot wait to see where will story takes us. It is very interesting world and setting. MC is very good. LIs (once which were introduces, 2 so far) are very cute.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    For me it's a 5 star game. Original characters, scripting along with all the rest. It also is one of the few games that mix in different ethnicity, which is a big plus. The game is still fresh so not a lot of material but enough to discover that you cannot wait for the next release.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    White Lamp

    One of the most well made games I've ever played. Renders are smoothed and the game plays like a movie render to render. Well thought out plot and set ups and you can really tell the dev cares about his work.

    story 5/5 (well thought out story and presentation is just beautiful)
    originality 5/5 (can't spoil too much but it is attention grabbing)
    renders 5/5 (beautiful and detail oriented renders)
    sound/playability 5/5 (appropriate music for each scene which is very rare in my experience)
    performance 5/5
    bugs 4.5/5 (names weren't matching dialogue for a few renders but no biggie)
    animations 5/5 (quite a bit of animations and easy control to replay certain parts)
    grammar 4/5 (more noticeable as you play but not a big deal and easily fixable with help)
    amount of content 5/5 (considering this just came out, theres quite a bit of content and story already)

    All in all, this dev really bumped up the expectations of AVN developing and pushed himself into the forefront of AVN scene. Give it a try and you won't regret it!
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 396172

    My Reaction for this game : Amazing i love it !

    ★ Gameplay : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Story : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Spelling : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ renders : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Animations: ✭✭✭✭✭
    ★ Potential : ✭✭✭✭✭
    ★ Overall : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Girls physique : ✭✭✭✭✭
    ★ Graphic : ✭✭✭✭✭
    ★ Sex Content : ✭✭✭✭✭
    ★ Creativity :✭✭✭✭✰

    Note :

    Soon will be one of my Top games 100%

    Definitely you should try it .

    ◉ All the best to the developer .
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    My impression is in line with Crowangel's review. The dev clearly has outstanding skills to visualize scenes for storytelling and lewd action. Even though pretty much just a tech demo with unpolished dialogues (no not mtr) the result is already far beyond the average renpy avn quality you see on F95. I strongly recommend to follow and if possible support this artist. We can expect great works from him.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.1.0.0

    I'm conflicted on this one. The game definitely has problems, but at its core there's something fun and relatively unique here that I did find myself enjoying at certain moments.

    We play as a young tourist who found themselves stranded in South America when the outbreak hit, sending the world into chaos. It's a different from your usual zombie apocalypse setting. Society hasn't completely collapsed, as things like electricity and cellphone service exist. There's still very populated cities, established governments, and people going about their daily lives. The zombies are closer to mutants with different types and ways they act, which makes them feel like more of a real threat. The setting establishes itself well.

    Fresh off a job gone wrong, the central story idea is the MC finding a place to fit somewhere in this new and broken world. We quickly get picked up for an odd job, and ex military guy sees potential in us, and then sort of takes us in under his wing. Plot moves from there. No issues on this front really.

    I'd be lying if I told you the writing was stellar, but in the first episode I was able to forgive a lot of problems I had with it. We constantly meet new people, learn more about the world, see some action on these jobs, etc etc. With the South American vibe the game has going, it was a fun start overall.

    My main problem during episode one was specifically on relationship development between the MC and the girls. Really, it just doesn't exist. One of those games where you spend a few moments with them and then they just love you. I think that's kinda ass. It wasn't that there was no time with the girls, but because the game is so forward-moving it just doesn't give itself time to develop those characters.

    Episode two felt like the game said fuck it though, and just started throwing a bunch of sex scenes at you fuckfest style. The pacing was bad, the relationship development nonexistent, and the sex scenes honestly mid. I don't think the game knows how to handle all the love interests. It's "hey here is a bit about my tragic apocalypse experience now lets fuck." That doesn't do it for me.

    Speaking on sex scenes themselves, there's no doubt the characters and renders look good. But I found a lot of the angles used just not very satisfying. Or rather they would be fine if better angles got included with them? Show us the penetration man. I think one scene had a whole blowjob segment where all we watched was the top of a woman's head. Almost every scene felt like this to the point of it being frustrating more than anything for me.

    I think this game has a lot of potential to be something great, but the writing is floundering. At present I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and keep this at 4 stars, but if the next episode doesn't noticeably improve I'd drop the rating down. I need more depth to the girls than what I'm getting.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent debut, great visuals and animation..
    Needs a good english correctness pass over as there was a great deal of wrongly used words and sentences that didnt flow like dialogue should or there was dialogue that didnt read right (wrong words or spelling)
    Overall i'm looking forward to seeing more just dont forget to fine tune the text and maybe make the sex scene guide numbers etc a bit more seeable as a few times it was near invisible to the background art
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This review refers to version v.0.01. It focuses mostly on demoing graphics and animations while introducing us into the story.

    Graphics and animations are among the best I remember having seen around. The style and quality remind quite a bit of "Life In Santa County".

    The story seems interesting enough to make curious on how it will continue. The English is ok enough to be quite understandable but still needs a bit of polish. But the game's dev already stated themselves to get a writer involved next.

    This game is definitely on my watch list now:love:.