VN - Unity - Tears of the Slut [v1.0] [Naughty Arcade Studio]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    i would give it higher rating but the endings i got where terrible. For a sort of shock/suprise effect i got endings that have no consistency with the rest of the game, my choices and the wife messages. A completly different tone and attitude out of nowhere.

    why do writers believe a good way to end a story is oh wow didnt see that coming it makes no sense i suprised you !

    It is the worst way to end a story. Well the second worst, the worst is you wake up and realise it was just a dream, at least we dont get that.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Saint Peverell

    Unimaginative Plot that steals off of several other games without shame. Awkward pacing.
    Bad AI CG's.

    There's nothing to really like about this other than it's premise, which has been butchered due to bad writing and copypasting of basically everything else, same goes for the other game by the same developer, I hope you improve on your game design and actually churn out something that isn't another game mirrored with a different skin on it instead of popping out mediocre or even bad games one after another.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Hatsume Kill

    Some typos and the writing is decent enough. Images are really hot though and there's a good variety of them and multiple routes. I prefer the style of the images in this game better than the first one. Overall not perfect but definitely worth playing if you like seeing zelda get fucked lol.