VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Through Spacetime [Final] [Empiric]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Typical, simple, male MC with no particular features gets all the girls thanks to plot armor and being not-an-asshole. Plot is not super original but fulfill the space harem fantasy.

    No need to think hard, just enjoy the story with essentially often two types of choices:
    - get sex scene or not, or alternative sex scene
    - get through king tyrant of universe path, or just savior of the universe (very obvious when you see it proposed)

    I suggest playing with the mods, to not overthink your choices and see all scenes since the story is not branching is so many different directions anyway (only two and at the end only).
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Everyone in this game has double digit IQ. Story? Barebones. Dialogue? Suffering. Characters? Bland. Flow? What flow?

    Hot girls though, I'll give the game that. The scenery is of high quality as well, kudos.

    Highly average game and I don't understand how it got so high.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Just finished the game. It took me around 6 hours.
    As this game is very short, i would recommend to give it a try if you have the time. It is by no means perfect but it believe its worth 6 hours.

    -The ladies. 5/5
    They are all very good looking and have diverse personalities.
    Though as this is a short story, we are not able to see any development.

    -MC. 2/5
    Some people like a horse cock on a human. I am not one of those people. Especially when a girl gives head. It looks completely unrealistic and breaks all immersion. Aside from that, he doesn't have that much personality. He has no agency whatsoever. He does what others tell him to do and the only choice you get (aside from the ending) is if you would cum inside (pregnant) or not. In general he seems like a nice dude. Though from his conversations with the girls i would really much doubt that he is a NASA astronaut. That is because he talks and makes jokes like a teenager.

    -The story. 3.5/5
    It is not bad but not that good either. I didn't feel that it was rushed as other reviews say. It certainly has flaws in logic though. For example, the MC is the last human male and the crew who finds him are like 'ok cool lets move on'.
    It has 2 endings.
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    -The dialogue. 4/5
    In the early game the dialogue is bad. Short sentences between the characters that felt really out of place. No human being would converse like that. It really gets better later on though.

    -Sex. 3/5
    The sex scenes are really disappointing. There is hardly any animation and when there is, its really bad. Only at the last hour of the game the animation gets better. The saving grace is that there is a lot of sex and the girls are pretty. I would prefer some more diversity in the positions though.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Everything about this game was good, renders, music, villains, characters etc...that is until you reach about 80% of the story line , after that it felt really rushed. So much wasted potential, if only the creator focused on the ending more...
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    MC woke up to a time where no males exist, and his the only being that can satisfy the females onboard of the ship. Story is not bad, girls are all loveable and looks great with each having their own personality, some animations with lots of H scenes. It is fairly enjoyable, though I feel it was underdeveloped, and could've been so much more easily.

    -Diverse and well designed girls
    -Lots of H scenes

    -Rushed ending
    -Lack of voice acting/sound effects
    -Every girl just jumping on MC
    -Animations aren't great
    -Choices does not feel impactful
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Legendary Commander Shepard survived the Reaper invasion and went to sleep for 800 years. When he woke up, turned out he's the last human man in the galaxy. We'll bang, OK? Through Spacetime could be a very good game only if it would be more expanded, in all ways.

    Story is there somewhere, it's not bad, writing is rather good, there is some humor, some plot twist and one story choice. It's definitely not the most important thing here. And that's fine. But the same goes for adult scenes, at the start they're pretty bad, later on they are getting better but for the most part they're short and not sexy enough. Very little dialogues during them, some of those scenes don't have any animations even later on. Renders itself are rather good, models looks nice. Cast of girls is rather diversive. Game is rather short, only take 5-6 hours to finish, have more than 40 sex scenes, you don't have to wait hours before getting into any sexy stuff. But sometimes it feels like the sex happens too quickly. Our goofy MC, after waking up 800 years later after black hole incident it's getting laid already during first 15 minutes of the game. I don't mind harem games where every girls jumps on us on very first occasion, but it could be better if there was some buildup and more depth between those characters. No big harem scene, only few threesomes. That's a shame.

    Overall it's not a bad game per se, its just very basic and feels rather underdeveloped. It's not doing anything pretty bad, and its not doing anything pretty great. More time and resources put into this could really make this game pretty good.
    Likes: peva1
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The characters are all loveable, i think you nailed most of the character designs, love the dynamic between Morgan with her crews. the Jokes made me laugh, thanks.

    and now for the cons :
    -despite being the one who have more screen time earlier , i don't feel any atttachment for Katie rather than Casey, maybe because her screen time are less impactful than Casey
    -Nat is also hard to recognize from her character design, maybe because she often shows up along side Eve and got overshadowed by her, maybe imo you can choose her hair color contrast from Eve's, because you already have the good example which are the brunette and the blonde girls from WMO (i forgot their names, also what happened to the black girl that comes along with them??)

    Thank you for what you've brought here to us, i wish you luck for the on going game. :coffee::coffee: cheers!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of final verion

    Sex. Sex sex sex. Sex sex sex sex sex. That's what you're getting in Through Spacetime, and I'm all for it. Sure, there's a plot, and it's alright enough to keep you going, and there are attempts to bring a few characters out of the second dimension, but it's mostly sex. Lots of women ready to drop their panties at a moments notice (nice that it's justified in the lore), a big cock, and lots of cum (I like the fetish but I found the visual depiction a little offputting). It's nice to kick back and relax with this kind of AVN now and then, though Through Spacetime would benefit from creating a stronger connection between the player and the girls, because that always makes the sex hotter.

    Despite the focus on sex, the sex scenes are pretty bad at the start. They're too short and not engaging visually; the lack of any good animations only makes this worse. As the game progresses they get better, and by the end they're pretty good. A pleasant surprise was just how many hot pregnant sex scenes there were (rare in AVNs), albeit all at the end.

    Throughout the game the visuals leave a lot to be desired. Most of the game takes place in boring grey spaceship interiors. The models are decent, though I wasn't a big fan of the mc's face.

    The shining light of the game is its excellent ending, packed with plenty of content. Harem AVNs take note!

    If the visuals were better, the sex scenes were consistently good, and more effort was taken to attach you to the girls, this could have been an excellent harem fuckfest. As is, it's good enough to warrant a playthrough, as long as you're ready to stick it out to the end.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, a properly labeled pregnancy tag, there is sex with pregnant characters!

    This game and Motherless are the only two games I found that have sex scenes with pregnant woman beyond one or two scenes or characters.

    The story is pretty decent, though rushed at end.
    Harem good ending is awesome, while the 'evil' route ending is extremely short and unfinished.
    Huge harem [sadly, very very white washed].
    Pretty good renders and models, decent animations, perhaps not the angles or variety or length.

    If you are into harem games, this is one of the better ones by a lot, in my opinion.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Air Space Frame

    DesignThis game is essentially a kinetic novel. The game has an interesting premise, but does not capitalise fully on it. Characters are one dimensional and the plot is weak, main character is essentially a mary sue. Supporting cast provides minimal pushback to the MC .1
    ProgrammingNo major bugs found, but recommended to play with mods for scene gallery, etc.1
    Level creationOnly one choice in the game which determines the ending. Other choices only contribute to additional scenes with little effect on the storyline and are not obfuscated. Very linear.2
    Art ProductionModels are appropriate for the scenario and camera angles used are sufficient. Some assets were employed to create more background environments but interaction with the environments was lacking. Lighting could be improved at times.1
    Audio ProductionNo voice acting or sound effects. Music soundtracks are present but are constantly reused with poor context. Better to have no audio.0
    Final StatementGreat if you don’t want to sit through hours of gameplay and want to turn off your brain and jump into a quick adventure for a fast one.5

    This review is for the version: Through Spacetime [Final] [Empiric]
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    It is just too simple like every girl jump mc's dick. characters are so beautiful and hot. Renders are good. Story is simple. I did not like the animations tho. I didnt like the game that much maybe because my expectation was high. please dont get me wrong. I am not being disrespectful but for me it is 3 star game
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Really well-made game. 10/10.
    The game felt alot like a kinetic novel, with most of the choices leading to sex or no sex. This didn't seem to be much a problem, since the game was well-written and it didn't feel overwhelming. The models are really well-made. None of them felt as if they were default model rips and every character was unique in their design and personality. The plot was absolutely well-written as well, with a good number of jokes and comedy. I don't really have much to say about this game. It's a really good game and I recommend this. 10/10.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    The dev started like a newbie (in my opinion) or doing little effort (in my opinion). but the story made me wanna play even if the sex scenes and general overview of the game seemed a bit simple, but what really made me keep playing after the first hour is that i notice the dev getting better and better and better and better AND BETTER!!!!! better quality in story, dialogues, sex scenes, renders, everything, you can feel the dev getting better by minute-

    Didn't finish the game yet but felt like i wanted to post already my rating, because doesn't matter what happen, the game grow on me :)

    it is not 5 stars simple because the start of the game
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, after playing through the game, my final review.

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  15. 4.00 star(s)


    An intergalatic sex story

    Well, the story is nice, not the most complex one or well detailed, but still good. The reason for women to
    crave dick so hard is "justified" inside the story so good for me. The story is linear with only two paths at the end but not a big impact on the action/ sex scenes..5

    You have diversity in characters, from small boobs - big boobs, some kind of lame "aliens". Girls have different personalities
    The bigges flaw is the MC who go from a decent guy to a total dumbass. Also his dick looks like a harpoon...who the f tought that it is visually pleasant or needed ?!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The perfect premise for a lewd game. Never played another VN with such frequent sex scenes. There's like a sex scene every 2/3 minutes of gameplay. There are lots of good models. I liked almost all of them. The sex scenes are decent(I think quality improves after first few scenes). The story is ok and progresses along pretty fast. The dialogues are apt and doesn't bore you. The ambient music in the background is nice too.

    Overall this is one of my top lewd games just due to the sheer number of sex scenes and choice of very pretty models.

    Just know what you are going in for. If you are expecting a story focused game with many layers, this ain't it.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    don't expect this VN to live up to the high rating it has on here. wide variety of decently modeled girls. frequent but poor quality h-scenes. dialogue is just constant unfunny one-liners. pretty much a generic harem VN.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Its easy to praise a great game and to bash a shitty one, but I really can't think of what to say for such an average one. It ticks off most sci-fi sex tropes and pretty quickly. Last man alive... ship full of women... theres a holo deck... etc. Characters are one dimensional at best- the writing isn't bad, it's just the bare minimum. There's a plot but the sex scenes kept coming so fast you don't really pay attention to it. The guy goes from bland to unlikable frat boy. Also I'm pretty sure most of the models had the same exaggerated bodies- just swap out heads/skin color.

    All in all this game is a straight 2.5. I'm rounding up to the 3 because I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt it may get better (I gave up ~2hr in)
    But there's better Sci-fi VNs. And ones that actually feature real aliens. Or cat girls. The TL;DR sums everything up perfectly and if thats all you want, it delivers I guess.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game...

    been nuttin' the whole night...

    Beautiful girls, beautiful renders...
    Animation could be better though...

    Noire = best girl... you know it's true...
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Very funny and relaxing game. Plot and dialogues are kinda bald, but it is one of that situations where it doesn't matter. You just play the game without too much thinking into it and have fun. There were a lot of funny moments, was laughing my ass off sometimes. No annoying characters or forced kinky stuff.
    Space topic, great models, happy ending, what else is needed?

    Plot and Dialogues: 5/10
    Fun and Humor: 20/10
    Girls models: 10/10
    Renders: 8/10
    Lewd Scenes: 8/10
    MC's dick: 50/10)))